MA-INF 4222 – Lab Natural Language Processing

Lecturer:  Diego Esteves, Mohnish DubeyProf. Dr. Jens Lehmann
Time: Thursday,  14:00–18:00, AVZ III / Römerstr. 164 – A7a
Github: We will use github for disseminating project information.

Course Description

The goal is to provide experience and technical skills related to Natural Language Processing. This module will teach students how to computationally deal with natural language through challenging research projects.


Please visit the GitHub project web page.


Besides basic exercises students will be graded through project assignments, providing hands-on experience with the basic skills taught during the lab.

You will have to choose one out of possible proposed projects. Each project can be carried out individually or in group (recommended).

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# Description Submission Due Date Presentation Date (Time)
1 Fact Checking TBA TBA
2 Natural Language Processing TBA TBA
2 Named Entity Recognition TBA TBA


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# Description Submission Due Date Presentation Date (Time)
1 Topic Modeling 03.08.2017 06.08.2017
2 Surface Forms Extraction 03.08.2017 03.08.2017
3 Triple Scoring 03.08.2017 03.08.2017
4 Mining Arguments from Raw Text 03.08.2017 20.07.2017
