We are very pleased to announce that our group got two papers accepted for presentation at ECML21. The European Conference on Machine Learning and Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases is the premier European machine learning and data mining conference and builds upon over 19 years of successful events and conferences held across Europe.
Here are the abstract and the links to the paper:
Embedding Knowledge Graphs Attentive to Positional and Centrality Qualities
By Afshin Sadeghi, Diego Collarana, Damien Graux and Jens Lehmann.Abstract
Knowledge graphs embeddings (KGE) are lately at the center of many artificial intelligence studies due to their applicability for solving downstream tasks, including link prediction and node classification. However, most Knowledge Graph embedding models encode, into the vector space, only the local graph structure of an entity, i.e., information of the 1-hop neighborhood. Capturing not only local graph structure but global features of entities are crucial for prediction tasks on Knowledge Graphs. This work proposes a novel KGE method named Graph Feature Attentive Neural Network (GFA-NN) that computes graphical features of entities. As a consequence, the resulting embeddings are attentive to two types of global network features. First, nodes’ relative centrality is based on the observation that some of the entities are more “prominent” than the others. Second, the relative position of entities in the graph. GFA-NN computes several centrality values per entity, generates a random set of reference nodes’ entities, and computes a given entity’s shortest path to each entity in the reference set. It then learns this information through optimization of objectives specified on each of these features. We investigate GFA-NN on several link prediction benchmarks in the inductive and transductive setting and show that GFA-NN achieves on-par or better results than state-of-the-art KGE solutions. -
VOGUE: Answer Verbalization through Multi-Task Learning
By Endri Kacupaj, Shyamnath Premnadh, Kuldeep Singh , Jens Lehmann and Maria Maleshkova.Abstract
In recent years, there have been significant developments in Question Answering over Knowledge Graphs (KGQA). Despite all the notable advancements, current KGQA systems only focus on answer generation techniques and not on answer verbalization. However, in real-world scenarios (e.g., voice assistants such as Alexa, Siri, etc.), users prefer verbalized answers instead of a generated response. This paper addresses the task of answer verbalization for (complex) question answering over knowledge graphs. In this context, we propose a multi-task-based answer verbalization framework: VOGUE (Verbalization thrOuGh mUlti-task lEarning). The VOGUE framework attempts to generate a verbalized answer using a hybrid approach through a multi-task learning paradigm. Our framework can generate results based on using questions and queries as inputs concurrently. VOGUE comprises four modules that are trained simultaneously through multi-task learning. We evaluate our framework on existing datasets for answer verbalization, and it outperforms all current baselines on both BLEU and METEOR scores.