We are very pleased to announce that our group got a paper accepted for presentation at ACM SAC. The ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC) has been a primary and international forum for applied computer scientists, computer engineers and application developers to gather, interact and present their work.
Here is the pre-print of the accepted paper with its abstract:
“Towards the Semantic Formalization of Science” by Said Fathalla, Soren Auer, Christoph Lange.
Abstract:The past decades have witnessed a huge growth in scholarly information published on the Web, mostly in unstructured or semi-structured formats, which hampers scientific literature exploration and scientometric studies. Past studies on ontologies for structuring scholarly information focused on describing scholarly articles’ components, such as document structure, metadata and bibliographies, rather than the scientific work itself. Over the past four years, we have been developing the Science Knowledge Graph Ontologies (SKGO), a set of ontologies for modeling the research findings in various fields of modern science resulting in a knowledge graph. Here, we introduce this ontology suite and discuss the design considerations taken into account during its development. We deem that within the next few years, a science knowledge graph is likely to become a crucial component for organizing and exploring scientific work.